I was tagged by Melissa Martinez and Nancy Lisonbee! I know that sometimes people say they hate tags but I love them!!! It helps me get to know things that I may not otherwise know about people and even sometimes about myself!! So keep the tags coming I love doing them and I most definitely love reading them!!!
Melissa's Tag - 8 Things
8 Favorite T.V. shows
- Greys Anatomy (My Fave)
- Good Things Utah
- Dancing With The Stars
- Design on a Dime
- Design To Sell (I am a little obsessed with HGTV)
- Mad Men
- Smallville (Daddy's Favorite)
- Mickey Mouse Club House (One of Cupcake's Favorites) haha
8 Things I Did Yesterday
- Snuggled with Daddy and Cupcake in the morning
- Went to Costco
- Made lunch for the Fam
- Cleaned as always
- Finalized our Christmas shopping list
- We all went to the new James Bond......loved it!
- We went to dinner with my Mom
- Ordered a free book from Snapfish
- Got Cupcake to bed by 7:30....she was sooo tired from only having one nap
8 Things I'm Looking Forward To
- Thanksgiving.....My Favorite Holiday
- Celine Dion concert next Friday and then Coldplay concert on Saturday
- Our new bedroom set to be delivered and up in our room
- Christmas
- A possible trip to Disneyland
- Cupcake to start saying actual sentences
- Daddy's Birthday
- Trying for the next little one!
8 Things on My Wish List
- Baby
- Trip to Disneyland
- To have the whole upstairs finally organized (we have been redecorating)
- New T.V. in our room
- New Couch - preferably a sectional
- For Cupcake to understand Christmas this year
- To wake up to snow Christmas Morning and then melt away fast
- For all of my family to be safe during the Holidays
I tag Kelly, Allison, Carly, and Dani
Tagged by Nancy..... Mommy Tag
1. What time do you wake up? Between 7:30 and 8:00
2. On a good night, what time are your kids in bed? Between 7:30-8:00 haha
3. How long have you been a mommy? 13 wonderful months
4. How old were you when you became a mom? 23 almost 24
5. What is your favorite chore? Oh well I love to vacuum and I love to redecorate and organize things
6. What is your favorite meal to cook? I am not the biggest fan of cooking but I love cooking something fast and easy but I love to make desserts!
7. What meal do you cook most often? Lately it has been Roast Beef Au Jus Sandwiches, fast and easy, all in all takes about 10-15 min, but still really yummy.
8.What is your least favorite thing about being a Mommy? I love most of it, but I can say I hate how much longer it takes to get out of the house because you have so much stuff to pack and plan for!
9. What are 5 things about being a mom that make you smile?
1-When Daddy and Cupcake make each other laugh it is soooo funny and adorable
2-Holding Cupcake in my arms when she is asleep....so tender
3-When Cupcake copies people, she is really good at doing action songs, its my fave
4-Hearing Cupcake call me Momma and Dad, Daddy, and her kisses and snuggles best things in the world
5- Just seeing her happy, excited, smiling, and sometimes upset!
10.Where would you like to take your kids on Vacation? Of course Disneyland! Cupcake LOVES Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Princesses so I think she would have a blast! She also loves rides, and to be honest my Hubby and I LOVE Disneyland!
11. When was the last time you went out without your kids? Goodness, it is so easy most of the time to take Cupcake places, but last Saturday our friend gave us BYU football tickets so we had Grandma Patti watch Cupcake while we enjoyed the game and lunch.
12. What is your most heartbreaking moment as a mom? When Cupcake is sick or gets hurt it truly is soooo sad to watch your kids go through anything that could hurt them
13. When was the last time you told one of your kids I love you? About an hour ago before I put her down for her nap!!
14. When was the last time you were told I love you? When my Hubby called me about 2 hours ago! We say I love you quite a bit in this Family! As it should be....right!?
I tag all my family and friends that are Mommy's!!!