20 years ago...
1-I was an adorable 4 year old
2-I was probably going to dance lessons
3-I was playing dress-up with my little sis Mallory
10 years ago...
1- I was touring with a singing and dancing company
2- I was playing with girlfriends and having lots of sleepovers
3- I was competing in my first Pageant
5 years ago....
1- I was starting college at UVSC
2- I was teaching dance and voice
3-Dating as much as I could
3 years ago...
1- I was Miss UVSC
2-I competed at Miss Utah and placed in the Top 10
3-I met my handsome hubby....(well more like 4 years ago)
1 year ago...
1- I was in Europe and Prego
2-I was trying to decorate Cupcake's room
3-I was having to relearn how to Golf, cause I was pregnant
So far this year...
1-I have loved being a new Mommy
2-I have had to learn the value of Patience
3-I have loved watching My sweey Hubby be a daddy!
Yesterday I...
1- Went shopping and out to lunch with my Mom, Cupcake, and Bailey
2-Cleaned some of my house
3-Had a BBQ with some of our Friends
Today I...
1- Cleaned More
2- Went swimming with Cupcake, My Friend Jen and her Daughter Sadie
3-Went to a Book Club/Birthday Party/Going Away Party
Tomorrow I...
1-Go to Lunch and Target with Melyssa and Georgia
2-Will hopefully a new Swimsuit
3- Go to a baby shower and to a comedy club open mic night to watch my Uncle Scott
In the next year I ...
1-May be Pregnant again ;)
2- May start teaching voice lessons again
3-Would like to finish what I have started in my half decorated rooms in my house!!!
I would love to tag Melyssa, Lacey, and Lindsay
First Day of School
6 months ago
I love this tag and I miss you guys! When we get back from CA we need to get together! I have lots of baby girl shopping to do!
oooh what a fun post! Love you.. im glad you finally updated the blog cuz i miss you!
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